
Shelf-Ready Processing

Getting new materials on your shelves can be a time-consuming task, and London West is ready to help. We can provide you with MARC records, labels, bar codes, RFID tags, or anything else you need to get your books on the shelves faster. We can also help clear up backlogs or donations so that you spend more time with your patrons, and less time processing.


London West is the source for custom, laser-printed labels.

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Library Security

LWRC can apply and program RFID tags for you and can provide Stingrays for your digital discs, so that your material stays secure, and accounted for. Give us a call at 519-471-4921, or send us an e-mail and let us know how we can help you.

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How to Order

 Orders can mailed, or sent by e-mail. We can work from a vendor's order form, a title/ISBN list, photocopies or scans. When your order is finished, the MARC records are emailed, and any books or labels are sent by courier.

We provide MARC & processing for:
  • English books
  • Non-English books (French, Spanish,Urdu, etc)
  • DVDs & Blu-ray movies (any language)
  • Music & spoken word CDs
  • CD-ROMs for any software


LWRC ships with CanPar for deliveries across North America. MARC orders can be shipped, sent by e-mail, or downloaded from our ftp site.
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